Building Madaris 2 classsesFund the construction of new madaris in order to spread Islamic science to places...0%Goal:$14,840.00Raised:$0To Go:$14,840.00
Building Madaris 3 classsesFund the construction of new madaris in order to spread Islamic science to places...0%Goal:$17,210.00Raised:$0To Go:$17,210.00
Building Madaris 4 classsesFund the construction of new madaris in order to spread Islamic science to places...0%Goal:$21,365.00Raised:$0To Go:$21,365.00
Building Madaris 5 classsesFund the construction of new madaris in order to spread Islamic science to places...0%Goal:$24,350.00Raised:$0To Go:$24,350.00